LAND : Results for "land for sale" - Page 151 |
Sells Land 2,991 m2 (32,195 ft2): 350,000 EUR (370,930 USD) |
Greece - 34300 - LIHADA (ÉVVOIA) | Create a FREE user account to negotiate this price |
Sells Land, available on Thursday, January 01, 2009: 350,000 EUR (370,930 USD). Surface: 2,991 m2 (32,195 ft2). Building plot 2.991 sq. m. for sale in Lihada (N. Evia), legally fit for building on. Only 20 m. from the beach, it offers a well. (Survey and deeds are available) .
| This classified ad has been seen: 31231 times |
Sells Land 6,000 m2 (64,583 ft2): 1,500,000 EUR (1,589,700 USD) |
Greece - 34100 - CHALKIDA (ÉVVOIA) | Create a FREE user account to negotiate this price |
Sells Land, available on Thursday, January 01, 2009: 1,500,000 EUR (1,589,700 USD). Surface: 6,000 m2 (64,583 ft2). Land 6.000 sq. m. for sale, within city planning, in front of two main streets (70m and 80m). (Surveys and deeds available).
| This classified ad has been seen: 34693 times |
Sells Land 20,805 m2 (223,943 ft2): 3,000,000 EUR (3,179,400 USD) |
Greece - 34100 - LEFKANDI (ÉVVOIA) | Create a FREE user account to negotiate this price |
Sells Land, available on Thursday, January 01, 2009: 3,000,000 EUR (3,179,400 USD). Surface: 20,805 m2 (223,943 ft2). Land 20.805 sq. m. for sale in Lefkandi beach, 10min from the city center and 40 min from Athens. (95,07m. facade to the sea, and 215m. to the street) .
| This classified ad has been seen: 31181 times |
Sells Land 2,000 m2 (21,528 ft2): 200,000 EUR (211,960 USD) |
Greece - 34017 - PETRIES (ÉVVOIA) | Create a FREE user account to negotiate this price |
Sells Land, available on Thursday, January 01, 2009: 200,000 EUR (211,960 USD). Surface: 2,000 m2 (21,528 ft2). Land 2.000 sq. m. for sale with bulding permit for 75 sq. m., approximately 90 min from Athens. (Survey and deeds are available) .
| This classified ad has been seen: 26574 times |
Sells Land 14,640 m2 (157,584 ft2): 100,000 EUR (105,980 USD) |
Greece - 34015 - ALMIROPOTAMOS (ÉVVOIA) | Create a FREE user account to negotiate this price |
Sells Land, available on Thursday, January 01, 2009: 100,000 EUR (105,980 USD). Surface: 14,640 m2 (157,584 ft2). Plot 14.640 sq. m. for sale in South Evia, with extraordinary view to the sea and easy access to the city center. (Survey and deeds are available) .
| This classified ad has been seen: 24512 times |
Sells Land 7,500 m2 (80,729 ft2): 480,000 EUR (508,704 USD) |
Greece - 34015 - NEW STYRA (ÉVVOIA) | Create a FREE user account to negotiate this price |
Sells Land, available on Thursday, January 01, 2009: 480,000 EUR (508,704 USD). Surface: 7,500 m2 (80,729 ft2). Building plot for sale 7.500 sq. m. in New Styra (it faces on the sea 70 m.), 200 m. from the center. 90 min. from Athens by ferry boat (Agia Marina - New Styra). Survey and deeds available.
| This classified ad has been seen: 33024 times |
Sells Land 23,000 m2 (247,570 ft2): 150,000 EUR (158,970 USD) |
Greece - 34013 - MARMARI (ÉVVOIA) | Create a FREE user account to negotiate this price |
Sells Land, available on Thursday, January 01, 2009: 150,000 EUR (158,970 USD). Surface: 23,000 m2 (247,570 ft2). Large plot 23.000 sq. m. for sale in developing area, overlooking the endless blue Aegean Sea...
| This classified ad has been seen: 34906 times |
Sells Land 36,590 m2 (393,852 ft2): 365,900 EUR (715,627 DEM) |
Greece - 34009 - KALAMOS (ÉVVOIA) | Create a FREE user account to negotiate this price |
Sells Land, available on Thursday, January 01, 2009: 365,900 EUR (715,627 DEM). Surface: 36,590 m2 (393,852 ft2). Plot 36.590 sq. m. for sale in front of Aegean Sea (220 m. facade). 1 h and 50 min from Athens.
| This classified ad has been seen: 24663 times |
Sells Land 10,389 m2 (111,826 ft2): 500,000 EUR (20,169,950 BEF) |
Greece - 34008 - ERETRIA (ÉVVOIA) | Create a FREE user account to negotiate this price |
Sells Land, available on Thursday, January 01, 2009: 500,000 EUR (20,169,950 BEF). Surface: 10,389 m2 (111,826 ft2). Land 10.389 sq. m. for sale in Eretria, 2 km from the sea, leagally fit for building on. Perfect combination mountain and sea...
| This classified ad has been seen: 23818 times |
Sells Land 5,292 m2 (56,963 ft2): 120,000 EUR (127,176 USD) |
Greece - 34006 - AMARYNTHOS (ÉVVOIA) | Create a FREE user account to negotiate this price |
Sells Land, available on Thursday, January 01, 2009: 120,000 EUR (127,176 USD). Surface: 5,292 m2 (56,963 ft2). Land 5.292 sq. m, 150 m. from the sea, with panoramic view, easy access to the shopping center, only 80 min from Athens. Legally fit for building on.
| This classified ad has been seen: 23300 times |