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ALL CATEGORIES (8) : Results for "user_ref"="dolanor"
Art Art and collectibles (6) :  Art objects : Paintings and drawings (4)
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Sound Sound, video, cinema, photography :  Cd, tapes and vinyl records (2)

ALL CATEGORIES : Results for "'user_ref'='dolanor'"

Tuesday, March 22, 2016 by owner: dolanor
+390 or +390

Sells Collection objects: 35.00 EUR (37 USD) by unit

Italy - 20832 - DESIO -MB (LOMBARDIA)The indicated price is not negotiable
Sells collection objects, possible delivery but preliminary payment: 35.00 EUR (37 USD) by unit. Country of origin: Italy. Quantity: 5.
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Photo: Sells Collection objects

This classified ad has been seen: 57679 times

Sunday, April 05, 2015 by owner: dolanor
+390 or +390

Sells Vinyl album 33 rpm Classical, lyric, opera - LE150 PERLE DELLA MELODIA: 68.00 EUR (133 DEM)

Italy - 20832 - DESIO -MB (LOMBARDIA)The indicated price is not negotiable
Sells second hand vinyl album 33 rpm classical, lyric, opera LE150 PERLE DELLA MELODIA, possible delivery but preliminary payment: 68.00 EUR (133 DEM) by unit. Good state.
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Photo: Sells Vinyl album 33 rpm Classical, lyric, opera - LE150 PERLE DELLA MELODIA

This classified ad has been seen: 65535 times

Sunday, April 05, 2015 by owner: dolanor
+390 or +390
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Sells Vinyl album 33 rpm Classical, lyric, opera - FESTIVAL DI MUSICA CLASSICO LEGGERA: 75.00 EUR (79 USD)

Italy - 20832 - DESIO -MB (LOMBARDIA)The indicated price is not negotiable
Sells second hand vinyl album 33 rpm classical, lyric, opera FESTIVAL DI MUSICA CLASSICO LEGGERA, possible delivery but preliminary payment: 75.00 EUR (79 USD) by unit. Good state.
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Photo: Sells Vinyl album 33 rpm Classical, lyric, opera - FESTIVAL DI MUSICA CLASSICO LEGGERA

This classified ad has been seen: 65535 times

Sunday, April 05, 2015 by owner: dolanor
+390 or +390

Sells Object of kitchen MARTIN: 160 EUR (1,050 FRF)

Italy - 20832 - DESIO -MB (LOMBARDIA)Create a FREE user account to negotiate this price
Sells object of kitchen MARTIN, possible delivery but preliminary payment: 160 EUR (1,050 FRF) by unit. Country of origin: Italy. Average state. Quantity: 1.
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Photo: Sells Object of kitchen MARTIN

This classified ad has been seen: 54431 times

Sunday, April 05, 2015 by owner: dolanor
+390 or +390
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Sells Engraving FOLHA PLAYGROUND - XIXth century: 390 EUR (413 USD)

Italy - 20832 - DESIO -MB (LOMBARDIA)Create a FREE user account to negotiate this price
Sells engraving FOLHA PLAYGROUND XIXth century engraving, possible delivery but preliminary payment: 390 EUR (413 USD) by unit. Country of origin: Italy. Good state. Width: 600 mm, height: 750 mm. Quantity: 1.
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Photo: Sells Engraving FOLHA PLAYGROUND - XIXth century

This classified ad has been seen: 65535 times

Sunday, April 05, 2015 by owner: dolanor
+390 or +390
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Sells Engraving CAMPOS - XVIIIth century: 300 EUR (318 USD)

Italy - 20832 - DESIO -MB (LOMBARDIA)Create a FREE user account to negotiate this price
Sells engraving CAMPOS XVIIIth century engraving, possible delivery but preliminary payment: 300 EUR (318 USD) by unit. Country of origin: Italy. Good state. Width: 570 mm, height: 400 mm. Quantity: 1.
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This classified ad has been seen: 63890 times

Saturday, April 04, 2015 by owner: dolanor
+390 or +390
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Sells Lithograph NEGROS NOVOS - XVIIIth century: 300 EUR (318 USD)

Italy - 20832 - DESIO -MB (LOMBARDIA)Create a FREE user account to negotiate this price
Sells lithograph NEGROS NOVOS XVIIIth century lithograph, possible delivery but preliminary payment: 300 EUR (318 USD) by unit. Country of origin: Italy. Good state. Width: 40 mm, height: 57 mm. Quantity: 1.
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Photo: Sells Lithograph NEGROS NOVOS - XVIIIth century

This classified ad has been seen: 61846 times

Saturday, April 04, 2015 by owner: dolanor
+390 or +390
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Sells Lithograph COSTUMES DA BAHIA - XVIIIth century: 300 EUR (318 USD)

Italy - 20832 - DESIO -MB (LOMBARDIA)Create a FREE user account to negotiate this price
Sells lithograph COSTUMES DA BAHIA XVIIIth century lithograph, possible delivery but preliminary payment: 300 EUR (318 USD) by unit. Country of origin: Italy. Good state. Width: 40 mm, height: 57 mm. Quantity: 1.
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Photo: Sells Lithograph COSTUMES DA BAHIA - XVIIIth century

This classified ad has been seen: 59884 times

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